Saturday, January 30, 2010

Well, our big snow event has turned into a mostly ICE event. uugh! We did get about an inch of snow last night that the kids enjoyed being out in. Here is Alaina enjoying it

but then sleet fell on top of that and made for an icy mess this morning. I took the opportunity to get everyone to help me clean, which the boys were none to excited about. I heard many cries of "it's Saturday" "we aren't suppose to have to clean on the weekend". But, it is done now and the house looks a little more presentable. I have taco soup cooking in the crock pot and have yet to get out of my pajamas. Life is Good! I am going to put Alaina down for a nap and then work on some work online. My foot is looking better today! Hoping to get back in the gym by next weekend! Enjoy your Saturday!

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