Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Snow in March...again??

We got more snow today! Here is what our pasture looked like about 4pm this afternoon

It is so weird that we have gotten snow two years in a row on March 1-2. Last March 1st it snowed as well. Alaina and I enjoyed it
We were snowed in and Jacob got up about 9pm that night in bad pain. I got up, comforted him, gave him tylenol, helped him get a warm bath and he still was doubled over with pain in his side. My first thought was appendicitis, so being the internet guru I am, I got up and googled appendicitis attack symptoms, and sure enough, he had them all. The snow had now turned to hard ice and there was no way we could get down our driveway to take him to the ER. Instead, we called an ambulance. They finally made it, or so we thought. They got stuck half way up our driveway. They came on in the house to attend to Jacob and agreed with us that it was probably his appendix. Another ambulance had to be called because the first one was not going anywhere. A wrecker had to come and pull that one out. Finally, about 30 minutes later, another ambulance arrived. This one did not even try to get up the driveway. Instead, Todd walked the 1/4 mile down the drive carrying Jacob wrapped in a blanket. He was hurting so bad..poor thing. I rode in the ambulance with him. The hospital is only about 5 miles away but we had to go so slow to avoid sliding all over the road. In the mean time, Todd stayed at home with the 3 other kids and got a call that his grandmother had just passed away. What a night!!!! We got to the hospital and found out Jacob needed surgery to have his appendix out. He had the surgery the next day on March 2, 2009. He did great! He spent two nights in the hospital and bounced right back, but last March 1-2 will never be forgotten.